Michelle and I set off from Sunny Boston at 4pm on Wednesday 30th June and arrived in an even sunnier Peterborough to take our places as marshals for their Race
for Life. The location, Ferry Meadows Country Park . We were joined by about 25 other marshals, 2,500 ladies running or walking and several million flies!!!!!!!!!! All of which seem to have been attractedto our high viz jackets.

We marched off to our marshal point No. 5 to be responsible for manning the Bollard which was right in the middle of the pathway where the ladies were to run. I stood just behaind the bollard with Michelle at the side. Between
us we shouted to the laides as they approached to "mind the bollard", big bollard approaching ladies!"

We gave quite a few of the ladies a giggle!
After standing down at our marshall point after the last walker past us, we moved onto the 4K mark to cheer on the ladies as they approached the finish line.
Being part of the Race for Life is a fantastic experience and one I would recommend to you all to do. There is still time to join us at the Kings Lynn Race on 20th July, let me know if you are interested and I'll register you (for marshalling that is!!!)
Sarah Hill
Area 28 CSLO
Well done girls.... keep upthe hard work!